Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG)

An electrocardiogram assesses the electrical activity of the heart.
Often referred to as an EKG or ECG, the test is a common and painless way to detect heart problems and your overall heart health.

Why have an Electrocardiogram?

  • To detect abnormal rhythms.
  • To check the electrical activity of your heart.
  • To discover causes of symptoms (e.g. shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, etc.).
  • To determine if your medications are working.

The appointment will take approximately 15 minutes*.

*Please note that due to certain extenuating circumstances and demands, walk-ins may experience varying wait times. Nevertheless, all walk-ins will be seen.


Test Preparation and FAQs

Can I eat or drink on the day of the test?

Yes. Eat and drink as you normally would the day of the test.

Should I take my medications on the day of the test?

Take all of your medications at the usual times, as prescribed by your doctor.

What should I wear on the day of the test?

Wear comfortable clothing. You will change into a gown from the waist up before the test. Do not rub any creams or lotions on your chest prior to the appointment.

What happens during the test?

The EKG/ECG tech will ask you to lie upon the bed, at which time they will attach several electrodes (stickers) to your skin. The wires attached to these stickers will then produce heart activity on the computer screen. As you lie still, the tech will take a quick picture.

How will I feel during the test?

You should feel no major discomfort during the test. You may feel a coolness on your skin from the gel on the transducer, and a slight pressure of the transducer on your chest.

What if I am allergic to the electrodes?

We use hypoallergenic and latex-free electrodes for our ECGs.

How do I get the results of my test?

After a cardiologist has reviewed your test, the results will be sent to the referring physician and your family doctor. If a consult has been requested, you will also have an appointment to speak to a cardiologist who will discuss the results of the exam with you. This appointment may or may not occur on the same day as your exam.